Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I've been awake for a while and much has happened since i last slept. I've been to vermont and back, work and back twice, and school and back twice on only two and a half hours. Today in my Great Traditions class we talked about freud. I was busy sleeping through everything last week and didn't have the readings because of that, but i still managed to contribute more to the class than anyone save for the strange old lady who kinda just lets words escape from herself. Its not that she doesn't think about what she says, its just the way that she speaks and I write this in the nicest way possible; she's really a very kind lady for the most part. I don't understand why the rest of my class(4 other people) couldn't say anything. Not one word. I felt bad for the proffessor, he was trying so hard to get a good discussion going. Basing my wild assumptions of what freud's stance is on the subjects of love, sex, relegion, and life on the vague views i've heard he holds from things i've heard about him in the past, I managed to strike pretty close to the mark. My proffessor, the woman who perpetually seems so tired, and I had a pretty good conversation. At the start the i could tell the woman thought of me as just another insolent, opinionated teen with my camo shorts and hooded sweatshirt(hood up because i was cold) and was taken aback when i coldly assured her she was wrong about me. The subject was freuds 3 classes of people came up. We deduced they were as follows: the erotic person, the narsicistic person, and the action based person. The proffessor asked us what we thought each of us were and obviously everyone looked down at their notebooks to avoid eye contact. I immediatly said, "I think that i try to be action-based but end up being erotic" A few of the kids chuckled and the woman told me that I misunderstood freud's use of erotic, even though we had just discussed what he ment. I snapped back with, "no i understand completely that it is someone who holds relationships with others most dear and seeks solace in others and that my plight at this time in my life is that i would love to go into the woods for 6 years like thoreau or hike the appalachian trail but i need the company of my friends to much to just up and leave". My proffessor clapped his hands together and seemed excited that i wasn't just a shell that had placed itself in a chair in his room like the filth i was surrounded by. I was embarressed that they all looked down at the xerox's of freud's writings that sat in front of them every time the Pierce(the prof) asked anything. They may as well have been staring straight at the table. A narcistic person, obviously is someone who holds themself most dear but not in a bad way more along the lines of they want to work things out themselves, and an action-based person holds actions most dear. Someone who wants to change the world or do something that matters.

I'm ranting and my lack of sleep tends to make me more judgemental and quick to act upon emotions alone. I had a point in the last paragraph but it's lost in the swirling torrent of thoughts buzzing around between my ears. I don't like having personel secrets and have precious few. If i let everyone in on the deepest darkest dungeons of my mind then nothing can come crashing down on me later if someone finds out. That said i also see the benefits to people not knowing certain things and will never, even under threats or pain of torture will i divulge things that people ask for me to keep secret. Generally i try to give people the benefit of the doubt but i end up being nice to a lot of people who probably don't deserve it. I think a lot at work without my ipod. It generally winds back to liz. I've been over it over and over again since last week weighted so many posibilities and decided that i'm not going to let her go or just give up like i've done all to much(and sometimes not enough) in the past. I'm not bumdoggin right now I actually feel optimistic. Either optimistic or stubborn :) im not quite sure which it is but either way i feel good about it. After seeing the ergs last night it hit me harder that they're breaking up, i can't imagine how jim and also lane feel, i'm just a new fan. I want to see them more before they're gone forever always hoping for a reunion.

Standing in vermont during everything falls apart i thought about how true that is. Everythign comes to an end. The ergs, relationships, lives, planets, everything. I thought back to a few weeks ago when we were talking about black holes and the hadron collider. Things that i think i should worry about i don't anymore most of it seems so trivial. For the most part i do what i like and i like what i do. My writing class is something i just do before i get to my sociology/humanities class and i'd like to know german. Thats how i justify school to myself right now, its a weak argument and a lot of times doesn't hold up for me. I look forward to more trips with friends whether they're three hours or three days or three months. The conversations may not always be cheery flowers and cake yayaya but i always come away feeling better somehow. I like the quote "hope is the last thing a person does before they fail" but it doesn't dissuade me from hoping a lot. I put far too much happy stock in having a relationship with a girl and could convince myself that almost any girl was great for me but i really think that i have something with liz. We like almost all of the same stuff, its not just that we both like some of the same bands or that we both play some video game, or even just that she liked me at some point. We watched 3 movies back to back and i enjoyed every second of it. The feeling seemed mutual. It was im pretty sure of it. I'm going to keep at it. I can really see us being best friends and more. not just friends :P Did i lie about bumdoggin? nah i still honestly feel really good right now looking forward to the future. I'm going to sleep now for a while but this time just because im tired, not because theres no lonely times when you sleep :)

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


i'm sleeping the day away, skipping classes, and feeling positive about the whole thing. jim's gonna call when he gets out of work and we're going to tacobell to ensure continued sleep thereafter.

I have awoken. When I sleep my body wakes me up after 4 hours or so pretty much no matter what now. It works out pretty well for the sleeping situations that i put myself in so often and today is no exception. Its almost time for jimmy to get out of work and for us to go to tacobell. The movie room is completely dark and i hear the cleaning lady moving around upstairs. In a post-sleep haze i was quite confused as to who it could be. I thought maybe it was still around 1:30 and natty hadn't left for his driving test yet but a quick glance at the clock put that theory to rest. Next i thought it was mrs. p but she told me and natty she was going to be out. I thought it might be cp because i thought i heard sounds in the other room but those are probably just the hippopotamus running around in the ceiling. Then i heard the voice. It was shrill and fast. Very high pitched and almost comical, but in this half sedated state it creeped me out quite a bit. Im teetering back and forth about whether to go upstairs and use the bathroom or not. I have to go but i don't want to surprise the cleaning lady because she's probably under the assumption that noone is in the house. I hear cp talking now so i'm going to venture forth. Either im going to pee or chase off some home invaders. I'm not sure which i'd enjoy more right now.

Turns out it was lauren :)

Monday, September 22, 2008


Not much to post about today just gonna start typing and see what happens. I didn't have my ipod at work so i thought i'd get some good thinking in but all i could do was say smimey swammy and smarmy in my head trying to figure out which one was a real word. I knew it was used it the context "word" bastard but couldn't deduce which was correct. Google tells me its smarmy. I feel its a very british thing to say. I wonder where my ipod is. The movie room creatures probably took it and will be listening to it for the next few months just as they did with jim's ipod for most of the summer.

Watching the first three episodes of sons of anarchy today instilled a new furor in me for a gnarly, a leather jacket, and a tattoo. I think i may get a second job for some extra cash to fuel my outlaw esque desires. At some point in my life I see myself going across the country on a motorcycle. It will be my second venture away from the gring of working everyday. The first will be conquering the appalacian trail in one fell swoop. I know lane is on board and i think DH would like to also. Six months of nothing but the wilderness. No shaving, bathing in rivers, sleeping under the stars, and hopefully some sort of inner peace. Nothin will hold me back from this. I plan on keeping a journal of the entire trip and lane will probably do likewise. I already am excited to see the different views of our excursion. Six months on the road would probably be a lot more expensive even on a gnarley so i'm thinking probably like 2 months or so. I have a pretty good idea of the Appalachian Trail trip. Riding across country is still in the idea stages and after that i have a notion to backpack across europe for a while. I guess this is like part of a 5 or 6 year plan or something along those lines. I need to get better at saving money.

Going for a run which will probably take me to Lanes house to paint my warhammer army and i'm thinkin i might lift some weights tonight. Peace.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Im here now

Just thinking
I woke up at 7am this morning and have been laying on my futon doing almost nothing since then. Yesterday I woke up at 7:30am. As i walked in my door this morning after sleeping at the basement an image of the past came to me. There was a time when i woke up at these terrible early hours all week and then slept all day on the weekends. This struck me as uninteresting and it should have passed from memory but for some reason i'm recalling it here. That was the first of the two complete thoughts I had this morning. All else was fragmented musings and bits of thought stored to be recalled later or lost in the dark damp dungeons of my brain. The other thought formed while i was in the shower. I was mulling over the lyrics to Extra Medium when i found myself thinking that i will never do anything monumental, i probably won't be remembered after my friends are gone, and i have no legacy that i want to leave in the way of children or otherwise. It wasn't depressing to me and i want no words of
consolation or encouragement. Last week i was joking about my friends and i being the next great writers but im not sure how much i was actually joking. In the dungeons kobolds were gathering ideas for me to put forth for the general public to do what they will with and i seriously considered the possibilty. I think i would like to be a great writer but at the same time i do not have the will or motivation to do anything truly great. I am the uninspired youth i guess. I think that i would be completely happy living out the rest of my days as a hobbit. Growing my own food and living off the land appeals to me so much but i won't do it. My mom jests that i'd miss technology too much but it's not that at all. I rarely play any video games anymore and i never watch tv. The time i waste on my compter is spent checking geekologie, reading wikipedia articles, and checking facebook. The only thing i really spend a lot of time doing that involves technology is watching bad horror movies and i sleep through the last half of most of those. I sleep a lot or not at all lately. I would miss my friends far more than i would miss technology. I truly wish i were a hobbit. I truly wish we were back in the south. I think only jim really knows how much i want to go back to the south. Not the south per se but to the time i spent this summer with my friends in the south. After reading my friend's blogs i feel like my writing skills are only slightly above par for people my age and i just feel like im better because people my age don't write much at all. I don't often think im better than others and i question all i do constantly but i also do a lot of things before questioning them. I live my life by choices. There is nothing that anyone "has" to do. As far as writing goes I consider myself a big fish in little Middlesex Community College but the reality of true talent in the real world is very evident through the words of my friends. I surround myself with intelligent people and hope some of it rubs off on me. I love my friends and they make life worth living.

Bummdoggin a bit right now but gonna go hang with my friends and obliterate all that right quick. I won't always write depressing shit :)